Paper Submission Guideline
Include a descriptive article title. To help make your article discoverable and maximise search engine optimization (SEO), do not make title too long and include some of your article’s keywords.
Abstracts should be 100–200 words and must be supplied with all manuscripts: ensure the first two sentences include important keywords to maximise discoverability.
Author Affiliation
Include full names, affiliations, email addresses and where possible for all authors on the manuscript cover page. The author’s affiliation should be the affiliation where the research was conducted.
About the author
Include a short summary (100 words) detailing either your own or your group’s main research activities, including how the research reported in this paper relates to wider projects or issues. You can also add one supporting photograph, stating who is in the photograph.
Public interest statement
Include a 150 word summary suitable for a non-specialist reader, explaining anything that will be of interest to the general public and has wider societal relevance.
To help identify connections within and across different subject areas select relevant classifications during submission and include a mix of specific and more generic keywords.
Please introduce the reason the study was undertaken, and include a literature review with up-to-date references to explain the current knowledge around the research question.
The methods must be described in sufficient detail to enable reproducibility and for statistical analysis, allow another expert in the field to verify the results using the same dataset.
Please ensure the conclusions do not over reach the data, and include a discussion of limitations. Future study could also be included.
Figure resolution: 600 dpi for grayscale, 300 dpi for colour graphics. Figures can be placed within text or submitted as separate files. They should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the paper.
Funder Information
Please include details of any funders of your research, including grant numbers, when submitting your manuscript. This should be supplied for each author.
References must be relevant and up-to-date. ECDC Publishing uses the American Psychological Association reference style for JoMOR. All references are converted to APA style during the production process.